Random Thursday – The Wednesday Edition

Lotsa fascinating stuff around the web lately, to wit: For anyone who loves to read, bookshelves are a necessary evil, at least for those who haven’t yet drunk the Kindle Kool-Aid. For one thing, they take up space that might otherwise be productively employed to showcase big screen TVs. However, with a little imagination (and… Continue reading Random Thursday – The Wednesday Edition

Categorized as Random Thursday

Random Thursday

Some random thoughts (hey, it’s what we do) while contemplating what I’d do with an electric car that generates more torque than an M1 Abrams tank (well, other than pulling my house – slab and all – to the vacant lot across the street that has a better view of the pond). I got another… Continue reading Random Thursday

Categorized as Random Thursday

Random Thursday

It’s been awhile since I’ve done one of these, so bear with me while I get my bearings. (This Content Freeā„¢ stuff is harder than it looks.) What a difference a month makes. A few weeks ago, West Texas was in the midst of a drought of epic proportions, with widespread burn bans and chronic… Continue reading Random Thursday

Random Thursday

Wow, it’s been a while since we’ve done one of these. Bear with me while I get my bearings. Today is Trash Day. We’ve never had Trash Day before, so this is a big deal. Our new neighborhood doesn’t have dumpsters, so we have to wheel our city-provided trash cans into the alley to await… Continue reading Random Thursday

Random Thursday

Tomatoes and potatoes, trees and knees…we got it all at the Gazette.

Random Thursday

Never mind the seasonal warnings about space heaters and faulty Christmas lights. What we really need to be worried about is flannel.

Random Thursday

Mac lust…Hallmark disgust…Panda discussed…and more, um, -ussed.

Random Thursday

Random Thursday will commence shortly but first I need to inform you that I’ve run into some problems with the next installment of Fire Ant Theatre. I’m in desperate need of a Spanish/Klingon dictionary, and it wouldn’t hurt if you could direct me to an audio loop of Red Skelton’s impersonation of Marilyn Monroe. Now,… Continue reading Random Thursday