I suppose I have a thing for mantids. In my defense, they’re the T-Rexes of the insect world, only greener. How can you not be fascinated by them? Plus, they’re quite photogenic. Late yesterday afternoon, I spied a praying mantis resting on a plastic stool on the patio. As I turned to go back inside,… Continue reading Creature Faceoff
Category: Wildlife – Invertebrates
Posts in this category contain references to insects, spiders, worms, aquatic creatures such as clams, mussels, jellyfish, octopuses, etc.
Sci-Fi Creature on the Loose!
While sweeping the leaves and acorns off the front drive yesterday (a wasted effort thanks to an unexpected late afternoon thunderstorm) I spotted a flash of green next to the porch. It was a large praying mantis, not exactly rare in these parts but also not an everyday occurrence. Mantids are cool insects to have… Continue reading Sci-Fi Creature on the Loose!