Creature Faceoff

I suppose I have a thing for mantids. In my defense, they’re the T-Rexes of the insect world, only greener. How can you not be fascinated by them? Plus, they’re quite photogenic.

Late yesterday afternoon, I spied a praying mantis resting on a plastic stool on the patio. As I turned to go back inside, I caught a glance of something else and realized photos must be taken. 

The really interesting thing is that two hours later, the live mantis was still staring down his much larger but no more stoic rival. At some point, I guess I need to remove the fake insect so the other one can get on with his life. 

Unless…and this is a vaguely disturbing thought…there’s some more basic, um, attraction at work.

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  1. Hi Eric!
    I did’nt know that you were facinated by insects but I have to admit that all my life I have loved to watch spiders spin their webs.
    They are so artistic.

  2. Nelda, I’m actually fascinated by only a very few insects, and as far as spiders are concerned, the only good one is a dead one! That’s one reason I like the praying mantis, who is known to enjoy a meal of spiders every now and then. 😉

  3. Apparently your other readers aren’t bothered by the fact that you have fake insects lying about your house. 🙂 Don’t these things eat their mates? It looks like true love to me. Where’s the chianti?

  4. Your fake insects appear to be attracting the real thing….of course, if mantids is what you want, you seem to be doing a good job. Perhaps size really does matter.
    I’m impressed with your enological expertise! 😉

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