Scenes from our walk through the park this morning, just after sunrise, as captured via my cell phone. The rainbow was a serendipitous delight; I can’t remember the last time I saw one in the morning.

For the record, Abbye was unimpressed.
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Abbye might be unimpressed but I am really impressed! What beautiful scenery (and I love the fact that I can recognise some of it!). What always amazes me is that God created it just for us – How could anyone not love a God who does that?
GOD is awesome!
Eric, these pictures would make wonderful computer desktop pictures. Thanks for sharing.
Gorgeous! I really loved the bottom one!
Eric, Younger Boy and I were enjoing that same rainbow from the ‘other side,’ when I dropped him off at Washington Elementary, in the southeast corner of the city … all in all, a beautiful morning.
Thanks for sharing!
Thanks, folks…I’m glad you liked the photos. I wish I’d had a better camera because the pictures just don’t do justice to the reality of an amazingly beautiful morning.
I’m glad someone is up “just after dawn” doing photography work. I prefer much after dawn.
Nice shots!
I can’t believe the quality of those photos! Especially given that they were taken on a camera phone. Very impressive!! I know you didn’t create the subject but you did a great job of capturing it. They remind me of the paintings of Hal Empie, an AZ artist. Beautiful. 🙂
So, is, like, your cell phone made by Canon or Nikon? I couldn’t capture that kind of scenery with Ansel Adams riding shotgun.
Wallace, I have only Abbye to thank for this schedule; she insists on it.
Gwynne, I appreciate your comment, but there was absolutely no skill involved in snapping these photos, other than knowing which direction to face.
I guess the camera built into the RAZR is pretty good. At least it’s a 2 megapixel camera, so it captures more detail than most. But it’s still got that teensy lens, so I’m still amazed that anything is recognizable.
I did apply the same Photoshop touch-ups that I’d do to any digital photo. I increase contrast by 10%, and apply a bit of sharpening via the Unsharp Mask. Almost every digital photo needs those things, especially after they’re reduced in size as these were.
But, in the end, as several have noted, it’s just a matter of recording the result of the Master’s hand.
My son called me when he arrived at school and said, “Mom! Run outside quick and see if you can see the rainbow! Oh, rats! There it goes! It was the most vivid rainbow I’ve ever seen! The colors were like intense!”
I didn’t get out the door in time or couldn’t see it from our home. But the blessing of hearing my offspring appreciate the splendor of God’s beauty so early in the morning was a blessing just as precious as seeing it – maybe more so!
Phyllis, you should feel special, given that a teenager thought to call his mom to share something like this! 😉