Random Thursday canceled due to apathy. But, really, who cares?

I made a good start on today’s “Random” post, including a joyful rant about the apparent increasing unreliability of the local web design community (I think we’re well on our way to becoming the 21st century equivalent of aluminum siding salesmen, no offense to aluminum siding salesmen), but when I looked outside and saw how dreary and drizzly and altogether yucky the weather is, I lost the will to publish.

I hope the sun is shining where you are and that it motivates you to do great things today. As for me, I think I’ll plug in our NetFlix-originated edition of A Prairie Home Companion and put the Bad Jokes scene on perpetual loop.

Update: You can add “sleet” to the list of yucky things occurring outside right now. We are not amused.

Update #2: Did I say “sleet”? Make that “snow.” As in, “you gotta be kidding me! Snow?!”

Update #3: What snow? The sun’s shining.

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  1. “…a joyful rant about the apparent increasing unreliability of the local web design community…but when I looked outside and saw how dreary and drizzly and altogether yucky the weather is, I lost the will to publish.”
    Hrm. That’s not very reliable of you, an integral cog in the local web design community’s wheel. Is it?
    Oh wait. Is this that irony whatsit that the Brits are always on about?

  2. Foo, there’s not an ironic plate in my exoskeleton. Nor in my cupboard, for that matter.
    [“Cupboard.” Now, there’s a good British term. But, is it really pronounced “cubburd”?]

  3. I agree with Foo, snow is better than “wintery mix” which is what we’re expecting. Out here, wintery mix = lots of smashed up cars and snarly traffic.
    I think the latest Netflix offering is the perfect antidote, however. Good on ya’.

  4. That C&F cartoon is sadly hilarious. I’ve decided that TWC is also using another subversive tactic to try to indoctrinate us regarding the “truth” of global warming. I’ve noticed lately that its local forecasts are running about 10 degrees warmer than the reality turns out to be.
    OTOH, maybe they’re just lousy at their jobs. Maybe they should lose their certifications.
    Oh, that’s just crazy talk.

  5. I’m just a bird(brain) of a different feather, I guess. I LOVE the snowy, cloudy days! I find it invigorating! Besides, look at it now!
    Really, Eric.

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