Neighborhood Killdeer

Killdeer are exceedingly common throughout the US, and they’re even regularly observed around bodies of water in our arid part of the state. Still, I haven’t had the opportunity to observe them up close until a family took up residence around the stream and pond located in our new neighborhood.

I shot the following video this morning. It was unusually cold for this time of year – temps in the upper 30s – and the killdeer chicks were seeking warmth under mama’s wings. The only problem is that there were too many of them and too little of her to go around. You’ll also see a short clip of the “distraction behavior” killdeer use to draw predators away from their eggs or young.

I apologize for the shaky video, as I am too cheap to buy a camera with image stabilization, too unskilled to hold a zoomed-in shot steady, and too disorganized to remember to grab a tripod.

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