“He’s Ringo, Yes?” — A dissenting opinion

We're all about open discourse here at the Gazette. (I hope I don't live to regret it.)
Composite of Ringo Starr's photo from 'Look Up' with a cartoon evoking 'Yellow Submarine' in the background

Remember this post in which I was a bit dismissive of Ringo Starr’s new country album, Look Up? Of course you do; it was erudite, insightful, authoritative without being pedantic, and possibly represented the last word in reviews of an album of Ringoish nature. (Also, it was just yesterday.) I was certain that I had tapped into the mainstream musical psyche and eloquently captured everyone’s feeling about the music. And then my very good friend Sam Canon dispelled me of that notion. IOW, he disagreed with my assessment. Here’s how our conversation went (with some slight editorial license applied):

Sam: Your opinion is stupid.

Me: Oh yeah?

Sam: Yes.

Me: Well…well…well…says you.

Sam: Yes.

Me: OK, prove it.

Sam: OK, I will.

Me (to myself, knowing that Sam is an excellent musician): Rats.

In the interest of promulgating a healthy discourse, and also to give you a break from my ill-informed blathering about, I’m happy to present Sam’s reaction to Look Up. Please be gentle in your reaction…and by that I mean, be gentle to me. I’m very delicate, you know.

(In all seriousness, as I told Sam, this is fun; I hope you think so, too. We may not be the Siskel & Ebert of the music world, but there’s no harm in pretending.)

He’s Ringo, Yes?

Yellow submarines seem cool, yes?

Jay-walking on a famous street seems cool, yes?

Album covers without pictures seem cool, yes?

Even considering all that, I have never been a fan of the Beatles; in fact, quite the opposite as I fell for a genuine meaning in My Sweet Lord (silly me, yes?).

Again, never have I been a Beatles fan but even if I can’t quite put my finger on it there’s just something about Ringo Starr; he’s Ringo, yes?

Would anyone ever open an album by Ringo Starr and expect musical genius? Precision yes, but musical genius?…perhaps not; but he’s Ringo, yes? You do expect it should make you feel good, and this one does. Is there a more compelling reason in listening to music? I think not, yes?

There is a wealth of musical talent on display in Ringo Starr’s new release Look Up but there is little reason, if any, to headline that talent, at least in this production. Feature yes, headline no; he’s Ringo, yes? My sense is the privilege belongs to these artists, not Ringo Starr; he’s Ringo, yes?

Historically it seems like common critics think there might be musicians better than Ringo Starr. Wasn’t the word that Ringo Starr wasn’t even the best drummer in the Beatles, much less in the world?; but he’s Ringo, yes?

He’s not trying to be a cowboy, he’s just Ringo Starr wearing a Stetson; but he’s Ringo, yes?

Ringo Starr unassumingly navigates his own universe and doesn’t seem to take himself too seriously. That is refreshing; he’s Ringo, yes?

Look Up is well worth the moments it takes to enjoy it. It hits the mark; he’s Ringo, yes.

Sam Canon
12 January 2025

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