Dancing With The Stars, You’re Dead to Me

It’s been several days and I’m still stewing about the final results from Dancing With The Stars. The fact that Chelsea Kane, by far the best dancer on the show this season, didn’t even make the top two is astounding to begin with, but to think that she was beaten by Kirstie Alley, who was perhaps the 6th or 7th best dancer of the bunch takes the cake. (And we’re not making any jokes about Kirstie eating it, because she really did do a great job in getting in shape and losing weight during the course of the season. I’ll grant her that much.)

I realize that DWTS is an entertainment show that happens to use ballroom dancing as a focus to get people interested, rather than a vehicle to showcase – and reward – good dancing. But this is the first season in memory that the best dancer didn’t make the top two, and one of the rare times that the best dancer didn’t end up winning (Donny Osmond comes to mind as one of those exceptions, winning over Mya who was clearly more talented as a dancer).

This drives home what was probably already obvious to everyone else: DWTS is a popularity contest and the judging is secondary to viewer voting. I get that, and it is what it is. But I shall no longer be an engaged viewer for that reason. DWTS will have to get along without me and my expert commentary. I hope they’re prepared to meet that challenge.

For their parts, Chelsea has been a most gracious second runner-up, and winner Hines Ward has been nothing but gentlemanly and gracious throughout the entire season. I was impressed with Ward’s development as a dancer…and he was definitely the second-best on the show.

Also, if you’re wondering if I’m embarrassed, making such a big deal over an insignificant-in-the-cosmic-sense-of-things TV show, the answer is no, I’m not. I’m a blogger, and that’s how we roll.

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