When life gives you lemons…

…make, uh, pomegranate juice? As I may have mentioned, our big pomegranate tree didn’t survive the Big Freeze of Ought Eleven. We discussed digging it up and planting something else, but then noticed a very healthy and vigorously growing batch of shoots coming up from the base of the dead tree. We decided to let… Continue reading When life gives you lemons…

Redefining a Day

In anticipation of the watering restrictions scheduled to begin on April 1st in Midland and several surrounding communities, I reprogrammed my sprinkler system control box on Saturday, determined to get a jump on things rather than wait until the last minute. Our home address ends in an odd number, meaning that we’ll be allowed to… Continue reading Redefining a Day

Voting Daze

I stood in line about twenty minutes today, waiting to cast my vote on the last afternoon of early voting. There were about a hundred people in line when I got to the polling place, and that number stayed steady throughout the time I was there. Entering the building where the voting was taking place,… Continue reading Voting Daze

Pomegranates, anyone?

Or, should I say, everyone? Our tree is loaded this year, as the photo below proves. And this is after we thinned out the crop a bit. From the street, the pomegranates look like those big red Christmas tree ornaments. I don’t remember the fruit being quite this red and shiny last year. I think… Continue reading Pomegranates, anyone?

“That’s Oil, Folks!”

I pretty much gave up on Texas Monthly years ago, when Molly Ivins exemplified the magazine’s left-staggering slant on, well, just about everything. (Plus, they were rarely charitable toward my beloved Aggies, and way too benevolent toward our arch-rival, Whose Name Shall Not Be Mentioned.) The downside of that decision, however, is that I miss… Continue reading “That’s Oil, Folks!”