Experimentation with animated GIFs continues, this time with some selective desaturation* and background blurring. *Desaturation is just a fancy way of saying removal of color. But you knew that.
Category: Nature
Little Porch of Horrors: The Sequel
I’m not going to quit until I get this right. Or something. I tried my hand at a timelapse sequence of a blooming hibiscus about a week ago. The sequence was OK, but my camera’s battery pooped out before the bloom opened completely. Yesterday, a new camera housing arrived, one that will allow me to… Continue reading Little Porch of Horrors: The Sequel
Little Porch of Horrors
We had one of those rare mornings with not a breath of wind, and I noticed an unopened bloom on the hibiscus on our back porch. I decided this was a great opportunity to create a time lapse using the GoPro Hero 3 camera so I grabbed the tripod and camera and set things up.… Continue reading Little Porch of Horrors
Riot (Florally speaking)
In the midst of a brutal drought, and on a day of 100+ degree temperatures, wildflowers still find a way. This image is a composite of three photos of the same plant I found growing in the pasture west of our neighborhood, taken at different focal lengths and slightly different angles. I overlaid them in… Continue reading Riot (Florally speaking)
Animal Life in the South Carolina Lowcountry
[We continue our vacation report from South Carolina. Here’s part one.] One of the most enjoyable aspects of Palmetto Bluff was the diversity of flora and fauna. I’m not much of a botanist, but the coastal pine forest, gigantic live oaks festooned with Spanish moss, and comic-book-sized magnolia trees bordered on awe-inspiring. It was the… Continue reading Animal Life in the South Carolina Lowcountry
Gallery Photos
Here are some new pictures for your viewing pleasure.
Stalking the wily Coccinellidae
I took a macro lens into our yard and got lucky with a ladybug. OK…that came out weird.
Texas Mountain Laurel
The Texas Mountain Laurel adds a bit of striking beauty to the generally stark West Texas landscape.
Random Thursday: The Saturday Edition
We’ve got a lot of ground to cover today, kiddies, so try to keep up. Just kidding; read at your own pace.
New Year Snow
We didn’t exactly get a blizzard in Midland (although parts of West Texas did get just that), but it was nice to wake up to a snow-covered view on our day off. I suspect that the back yard horny toad – who, by the way, is attracting way more coverage lately than he merits –… Continue reading New Year Snow