West Texas Wildflowers

Our part of the state is better known for tumbleweeds than wildflowers, but when we get a little spring rainfall, things change dramatically. I took a 30-minute stroll yesterday morning, and within a three-block area found sixteen different varieties of wildflowers. OK, most of them are technically flowering weeds, but, you know, potato/potahto. Some of… Continue reading West Texas Wildflowers


I started to write about our trip to Houston this week, but decided I’d rather post this instead. Debbie found the skull of a mouse in our back yard at lunch today. We (OK, me) were fascinated by the juxtaposition of delicacy and implied evil. If the preceding image is too, um, intense for you,… Continue reading Predator

Dusk Storm

We were at the end of a post-dinner walk around the neighborhood and the sunset was striking. I had no camera other than my iPhone, but that seemed to work out pretty well.

Texas Mountain Laurel

The Texas Mountain Laurels are beautiful this spring. One of ours has been loaded with clusters of blooms that looked more like grapes than blossoms. They also smell like grape juice. I wish the flowers lasted longer. (Click for a bigger version.)

Baby Pome

Ever wonder what a pomegranate looks like in its very beginning? Well, wonder no more: To get a sense of the scale, those are my fingers holding the branch.

iPhone Camera Apps

The rumor is that the next version of the iPhone will have a 5 megapixel camera that’s capable of capturing HD video as well as better quality photos. That’s cool, but in the meantime, the camera in the 3GS is a great tool for snapshots, especially when the images are tweaked by one of the… Continue reading iPhone Camera Apps

Categorized as Photography

Buzzards+Fort Stockton = Swallows+Capistrano?

One of the presumed harbingers of spring in West Texas is the return of roosting buzzards. If that’s true, then Fort Stockton has seen its last cold snap for the season, as evidenced by this iPhone video I shot last evening from my parents’ backyard: This is just a fraction of the flock of scavengers… Continue reading Buzzards+Fort Stockton = Swallows+Capistrano?

Photojournalism: Redefining Reality?

There’s an interesting debate going on over at PDNPulse regarding “stylized photojournalism,” which essentially involves the application of special effects to news photographs to “enhance” them or to emphasize a particular point of view. The debate is between purists who tend to believe that the camera should be used to capture newsworthy scenes without any… Continue reading Photojournalism: Redefining Reality?

Happy Slo-Mo Dogs

Remember the frustrated frog videos? Well, on the flip side of things, here’s a vid that has a happier ending for all the participants. (Remind me never to eat in front of a 1,000 frame per second camera.)