
I see a lot of websites during the course of a week. Many of them are design-related and thus represent what should be the most striking, innovative, and creative examples the profession can build. Still, it’s not often that I run across one that simply takes my breath away. This is one. Andrew Zuckerman is… Continue reading Bird


Debbie was watering the plants on the front porch when she heard a tapping sound. She looked up and spotted the source: a ladder-backed woodpecker working its way up the trunk of our neighbors’ red oak tree. We don’t see many woodpeckers around here, so it was definitely a photo opportunity. In the second photo,… Continue reading Woodpecker

New Gallery Images

I’ve added a handful of images to the Gallery, including the one shown below.

Categorized as Photography

And yet another bug pic

We’ve were hit with a veritable plague of grasshoppers a couple of weeks ago. Occasionally, we’d pick up a hitchhiker on the car, including this one that landed on the windshield, and provided a rather unique perspective for a photo.

Yeah, it’s another bug pic

This critter was on the wall outside the studio where we had our dance lesson tonight. It’s some variety of walking stick insect but I’ve never seen one quite like it before. It’s about six inches in length, and more delicate-looking than most walking sticks I’ve seen.


I seem to be in a photographic rut lately, but the insect world has presented some opportunities too good to ignore. I spotted this unknown variety of shield or stink bug on one of the red-tipped photinia in our front flowerbed. I browsed in vain through more than 500 photos via Google’s image search without… Continue reading Bugged