We brought a nice lantana back with us from Fort Stockton, a birthday gift for my wife from my brother and sister-in-law. After it was situated on the back porch, Debbie called me to take a photo of what might have been a stowaway on the trip home. He’s wet because she sprayed him with… Continue reading Mantid on Board
Category: Photography
Link Love
Ran across a few interesting links I think you might enjoy as you contemplate the wonder that is Friday. Now, about that cover… is a post from the author of the book by the same name, and it deals with how the quite striking cover of his book came to be. The photo shown on… Continue reading Link Love
Jurassic Flowerbed
I stepped out the front door around noon to change some light bulbs and heard a rustling in the flowerbed. Given the number of rattlesnake sightings in our neighborhood this year, I was in no mood to assume the noise came from a beneficent source, so I tip-toed over…and spotted the fellow in the following… Continue reading Jurassic Flowerbed
The Original Hummer
Back porch hummingbird views:
Life of a Thunderstorm
We killed a small rattlesnake during our walk yesterday evening. It was flattened against the concrete of the sidewalk, absorbing the radiating heat. I stuck a camera in its face and it did nothing but flick its tongue. Normally, that would be the extent of our interaction, but because it was in our neighborhood, on… Continue reading Life of a Thunderstorm
Just Anole Fashioned Lizard
It takes a sharp eye to spot this welcomed creature in our landscape.
New Gazette Header Graphic?
So, I’ve been thinking about whether to re-incorporate an ant into the header graphic, but it’s hard to decide which one. Here’s a possibility. Link via Daring Fireball
Turkey Stalking
I’ve written before about the flock of wild turkeys that have taken up residence in my old neighborhood in Fort Stockton. For whatever reasons, the size of the group has dwindled from the upper teens to just three, a gobbler (male) and two hens. The male has been known to exhibit aggressive behaviors towards people,… Continue reading Turkey Stalking
A Morning Walk
A beautiful way to start a Friday…
Amazing Squirrels
Did I ever tell you my story about dancing for the animals? Well…oh look! a baby squirrel!