West Texas from Above: The End

Scarily observant Gazette readers Katie Hilburn, Gregg Ulvestad, Jon Wheeler, and Mark Springer correctly identified the final aerial photo in the series as the area around Hogan Park in Midland. The small body of water directly beneath the “fish” (which is a pond at Hogan Park Golf Course) is part of the wonderful nature preserve… Continue reading West Texas from Above: The End

West Texas from Above: Part 8

Incredibly eagle-eyed Gazetteers Gregg Ulvestad, Lisa Blake, and Les Blalock recognized foto numero siete in our series as..well…as a number of things, all of which were correct although not precisely the answer I was seeking. That’s my fault for not being more specific. The photo is of the Penwell area, a few miles east of… Continue reading West Texas from Above: Part 8

West Texas from Above: Part 7

Gazette-crazy map mavens Paula McKinney and Les Blalock recognized the sixth photo in our series as Balmorhea State Park, which has the distinction of not actually being located in Balmorhea, but “Toyahvale State Park” apparently doesn’t have the same cachet. Every scuba diver in West Texas has cruised the crystal waters of Balmorhea. Debbie and… Continue reading West Texas from Above: Part 7

West Texas from Above: Part 6

Cartographically crafty Gazette readers Jon Wheeler, Joe Lee, and Chuck Rubins all correctly identified photo numero cinco as the famed Odessa Meteor Crater, renowned across the galaxy as, well, a semi-big hole in the ground. Some say it’s proof that we Earthlings aren’t the only ones who have problems texting and driving. Plus, it has… Continue reading West Texas from Above: Part 6

West Texas from Above: Part 5

Astoundingly intelligent Gazette readers Gregg Ulvestad, Chuck Rubins, and Paula McKinney correctly identified aerial photo numero cuatro as the world-famous Monahans Sand Hills State Park. I have fond memories of the Sand Hills, despite taking two classes of fifth grade boys over for the day as a part of my Sunday School teaching duties. (Word… Continue reading West Texas from Above: Part 5

Venus in Transit (A faithful re-creation)

For those who were unable to experience the joyous, mystical, deliriously magnificent spectacle of Venus crawling across the face of old Sol like a mobile blackhead, you’ll get another chance to see it in about 105 years. But if you have other plans – like, say, washing your flying car or catching Betty White live on… Continue reading Venus in Transit (A faithful re-creation)

West Texas from Above: Part 3

Perspicacious Gazette readers Wallace Craig and Berry Simpson correctly identified aerial photo numero dos in this series as a view of Guadalupe Mountains National Park, home of the highest spot in Texas, and an irresistible attraction to hikers from around the country. The most obvious attractions are Guadalupe Peak and the imposing face of El Capitan, shown… Continue reading West Texas from Above: Part 3

Life with the new Elliptigo

We’ve had our Elliptigo for about two months, and the Gulfstream recumbent tandem for almost a month, but we still have surprisingly little experience with either one. This is due to a combination of travel schedules, weather, assorted family issues, and, you know, just life in general playing hob with our leisure plans. I have… Continue reading Life with the new Elliptigo