For the past 15 years, this has been the Gazette’s traditional Christmas greeting. For the past 2,000, it’s been mankind’s hope and assurance.
The people walking in darkness have seen a great light…
Butterflies at Christmas?
Our tractor seat plants are a surprise attraction.
Our tractor seat plants are putting out blooms like crazy, and attracting swarms of pollinators. We were surprised about both events.
Boustrophedon: A Dinosaur…
...but not like you think.
A note to myself from fifteen years ago prompted me to investigate an ancient style of writing: boustrophedon.
What Happens If AI’s “Food Sources” Disappear?
Large Language Models (LLMs) have the potential to shut down the data sources they depend on.
There’s a credible scenario where AI-enhanced search engines could ultimately present fabricated results. Does that worry anyone?
Random Thursday: The Music Video Edition
We've scoured the vidverse to bring you some tasty tunes.
We’ve elevated the concept of “randomness” to heights that rival Mt. Everest, musically-speaking.
Random Thursday: The Neighborhood Nature Edition
What do Hanukkah, Ducatis, deer, and ladybugs have in common? Well, nothing…that’s why it’s random.
Local Fall Color
The change of seasons here isn't dramatic, but it's still noticeable.
We don’t get a lot of fall color, but we like what we do see.
Random Thursday: The December Eve Edition
From pretty flowers to pretty dumb quotes, and many unrelated things in between…
Assessing Albert
The historic Albert Dance Hall is...interesting
The historic Albert dancehall provided an unexpectedly good time. Here’s a quick recap of the evening, and the venue.
Random Thursday: Thanksgiving Edition
I hope you’re feeling especially blessed this Thanksgiving Day (in the good old USofA, anyway), and that this post doesn’t spoil that feeling. JK…it’s pretty upbeat, other than a sad story about green beans.