Classical Mass

If your church is open to some musical ministry in a somewhat different key, I highly recommend this guy. Rodrigo Rodriguez is a classical guitarist from Ecuador, now residing in Florida, who has turned his musical gift into a fulltime ministry. He’s got a great testimony, and an amazing talent.

The highlight of the service was his arrangement of Via Dolorosa, which cries out to be played on a classical guitar anyway. In his rendition, he adds to the melody a counterpoint of a drum-like plucking of the E and A strings that evokes the cadence of Roman soldiers escorting Jesus to His sacrificial death on the cross. You have to hear it to understand the full impact. He then seamlessly segues into Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus. It’s just an awesome and lovely arrangement.

The downside of attending one of his concerts is that if you are an aspiring guitarist, you might come away vowing to never again pick up the instrument. Having seen and heard a master at work, you realize how far you have to go. (And, of course, that “you” is really code for “I.”)

Interestingly, Rodrigo addressed this very issue…albeit without knowing he was doing so. He said that he was once asked why he plays with his eyes closed. One reason is that he’s playing for God, not for an audience, and he can visualize God better with closed eyes.

But another reason is that he no longer worries about making mistakes when he plays, as he once did when he was a commercial artist. He strives for excellence, of course, in order to present a worthy offering to God, but he is also content in the knowledge that God is pleased with a sincere offering, even if it has a mistake or two in it.

It’s a good lesson for me. If I wait to exercise my spiritual gift(s) in service to God and others until I’m perfect, they’ll never get exercised, and will therefore be wasted. God doesn’t require perfection, just a willing and available heart offered in humility and love. He’ll take it from there.

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  1. Eric … was he in your church in concert? I’ve checked his web site and he has some top-drawer references. Based on your review, I am going to pick up one of his CDs … the one with Via Delorosa. Thanks.

  2. Paul, I’m sorry for not making it clear…yes, Rodrigo did present a concert at our church last night.
    I don’t know if the version of Via Dolorosa that’s on the CD is the same that he did last night. I’m pretty sure the “drum” effect is a part of the CD arrangement, but I don’t know if it leads into “Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus.”
    But I’m going to order a CD also (I could have gotten one last night, but didn’t want to stand in line…they were going like hotcakes!).

  3. I was reading Douglas Adams lately, and was reminded about Bach’s magnificent music, so I went to the iTunes Music Store and purchased Bach’s Mass in B Minor. It is transcending music, elevating me to heavenly heights. Our Youth Mass has kids 18-24 singing their hearts out with sincerity, but also volume and drum beats that don’t seem all that sacred to me. It’s good to get back to Bach.

  4. John, you’ve reminded me that I don’t listen to nearly enough classical music nowadays. I need to remedy that…but Mozart’s my guy.
    On an unrelated topic, I heard that you guys got some heavy weather yesterday. I trust that Chateau Comeaux was unscathed?

  5. eric: I saw a Rodrigo Rodriguez performance about 12 years ago. My former boss, Dr. Chediak, is a personal friend of Mr Rodriguez and asked him to perform at a hospital symposiumin in chicago. It was quite memorable. I purchased his CD at that time and it has since been stolen in a burglary. Do you know where I can purchase one of his CDs? Any help would be appreciated.
    Thanks, Janice

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