21 Days of Hymns

If you’re an admirer of the classic hymns of the Christian faith, or just want to know more about them, here’s a 21-episode multimedia daily devotional that I highly recommend.

Random Thursday: The 20th Century CCM Edition

Feliz jueves, sports fans, and welcome to another edition of Random Thursday. Today is Weary Willie Day, and it was with a certain amount of trepidation that I clicked on this explanatory link, and was relieved to see that it refers to a clown character introduced and made famous by Emmett Kelly long before any… Continue reading Random Thursday: The 20th Century CCM Edition

Solving a Catholic Mystery Statue

We were recently in Fort Stockton and while we were there, we visited one of our favorite stores, Bella Terrazas. Bella Terrazas is owned and managed by Amy Terrazas, a special family friend, and the store is filled from floor to ceiling with an amazing variety of decor, almost all of which was hecho en… Continue reading Solving a Catholic Mystery Statue

Categorized as Faith

In League with the Stones

Note: This is the last in a series of posts from The Lost Gazette Chronicles, focusing on those that fall into the “Faith” category. I wrote this one in July of 2008, back when I was still semi-coherent. I’m early in the book of Job in my 2008 “Read Through the Bible” curriculum, and I… Continue reading In League with the Stones

Categorized as Faith