Update: Blog Alphamosaic Meme

Ah, the life of a big-time blogger…drop a subtle hint and let my readers scurry off and do all the dirty work. Life is good!

Last night, I posted something about using photos of individual letters to assemble the name of a blog, and I committed to accomplishing that for the Gazette sometime during this millennium. But regular visitor and commenter Mr. Freen is no such slacker. Mr. Freen is a talented and energetic Red State operative doing covert work in a Blue State, and possibly has too much time on his hands during the endless northeastern winter. Anyway, he quickly assembled a Gazette alphamosaic built from specially selected images he googled up just for the occasion. It’s shown below; click on it to see a larger version.

Alphamosaic: Fire Ant Gazette

Do I have great readers, or what?

The only problem now is that I can’t possibly top this with my own creation. OTOH, my lack of skill has never prevented me from trying other things; the very existence of this blog bears ample witness to that fact. Why should this be any different?


  1. Bill, as far as I can tell, the LST is doing just fine without me! (And, as before, I’m barely able to keep this blog stocked with material, much less do justice to another one.)

  2. I like how well it’s all put together – the individual letter photos are different widths, but the whole thing’s a regular rectangle.
    I also like that no single image is used more than once, even though some letters are.
    Nice job, Mr. Freen!

  3. Many thanks for the glowing review, Eric! Thanks also to everyone who enjoyed the mosaic.
    A special wink to Brian and Jasmine for noticing the extras!

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