The ULTIMATE Music Challenge

OK, well…it seems that family isn’t quite as time-demanding as I expected, and so I’m able to turn my attention to [at least] one more post. This is another highly-anticipated music-related quiz, and I expect it to take at least a week for someone to solve.

This quiz was actually conceived during an exchange of emails with Jim, the admittedly obsessive winner of the previous quiz. When I heard the lengths he went to in identifying the mystery album cover, I told him that the next quiz would consist of a scan of the album itself, with the objective being to identify it based solely on an analysis of the grooves in the vinyl.

But, in thinking further about it, I realized that this was much too easy. What we needed was a real challenge…one built around a bit of cultural footnotery. So, I give you “The ULTIMATE (you know it’s hard because it’s in all caps) Music Challenge”! All you have to do is identify the recording to which the following belongs, the following being a real-life sample of that recording as it resides on the original Eight Track Tape…

You do know what an 8 track tape is, don't you?

OK, that should do it. I eagerly await your answers. Google help us all.

Here’s a skill that seems to stick with you like riding a bike: the ability to snap a length of tape pulled out of the 8 track cartridge so that it neatly retracts back into the case, ready to once again jam your player at the most inopportune time.

Technorati tag: 8 Track Tape

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