Behind the scenes at Webcasting Central

I’m sure you’re all wondering what it was like to appear on a big-time live webcast, so I thought I’d give you a glimpse into a world rarely seen by outsiders: the Midland Reporter-Telegram’s studio.

Keep in mind that the MRT is a newspaper and so it hasn’t felt a great need to invest a lot of money in video technology, for obvious reasons. The “studio” itself is all the way in the back of the building and up a flight of stairs that opens into a medium-sized room that may well have once seen duty as a storeroom. Or the publisher’s office…it’s hard to say. Jimmy Patterson and his ace webguy, Jim Slusher have cleared out a smallish space for a couple of tables, a couple of chairs, a backdrop which rolls down on a length of PVC pipe, a couple of monitors, one computer and one tripod-mounted digicam. A microphone runs from the camera under the table and is taped to the edge in front of the webcastees. Here’s a photo of the setup:

Photo of MRT's Webcasting setup

Jimmy kept apologizing for the spareness of the setting but I thought it was less intimidating than a fancy, formal studio. Everything worked as intended and that’s what’s important. I was temporarily distracted by the monitor in front of us which I thought was supposed to show what was going out live, but it had a disconcerting lag in the video so I finally just ignored it.

Photo of Jim Slusher and Jimmy Patterson
Jim Slusher and Jimmy Patterson

What they really need now is some theme music. I suggested that they have a contest to see who could compose the best theme song. I know a few Gazette readers who are more than talented enough to come up with something to fit the bill.


  1. This comment is for Jimmy…the navy blue backdrop is nice, but Jimmy got lost against it with the dark colored shirt (Eric, on the other hand…well, let’s not go there ;-). Maybe a neon colored shirt would work better. And then, what in tarnation is on his tie?

  2. Gwynne and Shannon, thank you. I couldn’t agree more. Your tips are helpful.
    Eric … I found your photo with identifying tags to be quite helpful. Now, when I prepare for another webcast (the next one is Friday at 10 a.m. by the way) I’ll be able to find where everything is.
    My only suggestion, buddy … with all due respect I take exception to the crassness of the tag “Mic taped to table.” True though it may be. Would you mind changing that to “Audio assistance device secured to Mr. Patterson’s rostrum.”
    Personal aside intended for Gazette publisher’s eyes only: (I think we both know it’s not really a rostrum, but I heard the president use that word last night and I really like it).

  3. Sorry, Jimmy; as open-minded as I like to think I am, I’m not yet at the point of being comfortable with referring in public to another man’s rostrum. I’ll leave that kind of language to those more bohemian blogs on the east and west coasts.

  4. But I spent all that money having it surgically enhanced.
    Seriously, I think you’re thinking about the other definition of rostrum: the often spinelike anterior median prolongation of the carapace of a crustacean (as a crayfish or lobster). I’m talking about a podium-like device (which my doctors have regrettably told me they can do nothing about).
    I figured if W mentioned it in front of the world last night I could maybe get my own rostrum.
    Oh well. Thanks anyway.

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