Random Thursday

Assorted inconsequentia while considering the potential* irony of this 1962 magazine ad from Humble Oil (one of the predecessors to Exxon):

  • Without meaning to brag, I think my wife and I are extremely reliable people. We fulfill our commitments; we do what we say we’ll do. And so it is with great embarrassment that I confess that both of us forgot last night to attend a board meeting that has been on our calendars for weeks. Fortunately, we weren’t needed to make a quorum, and neither of us had pressing items on the agenda, but it’s still humbling to realize that all the organizational tools in the world don’t necessarily compensate for the basic human shortcoming known as forgetfulness.
  • I love these ads for Disney’s Star Wars Weekends, which took place earlier this year. My favorites are the two that feature Darth Vader.
  • Would the Gazette be more compelling reading if it was formatted like this? (Yes, I realize that some things are beyond help. Thanks for pointing that out.)
  • Via VideoSift, the following vid shows a Japanese men’s gymnastic team doing a floor routine. The synchronized tumbling routine about 2/3rds in is nothing short of amazing. But what I’d really like to see are the outtakes from the practices.

*I refer to the irony as “potential” because I’m still skeptical about the science behind so-called “global warming.” Ask me again in 100,000 years and I’ll have a better feel for it.


  1. Eric I think the Gazette already provides more compelling reading than, say, MY blog … and I have the readers’ reactions to prove it! Yesterday, I posted what I thought was a good take on the flap over the president’s bowing … and all I get is a note from some anony-mouse, that I misspelled the president’s first name.
    Eric, if I end up killing myself over all this, would you please get a picture of it and post it on YOUR blog? Now THAT would be compelling!

  2. Gwynne, I had not seen the article you linked to. You’re right; someone spent way too much time on those statistics!
    I think it’s always fun to look at old advertising with the benefit of “20/20 hindsight” (although in this case, we may or may not still have the correct view of things). I guess if you’re in the ad business, you have to reconcile yourself to the probability that your best efforts will someday look quite foolish.
    Oh, gosh. I think I just described my blogging.

  3. Jeff, my advice is to stop trying to infer readership from comment quantity. The blogosphere has changed over the past few years, as has the way people interact with it. We’re linking to one another less, and people are less likely to leave comments or want to engage in extended discussions. I think there are a number of reasons for this, but one biggie is the use of RSS feed readers.
    I read everything you write (as well as the posts by all the other local bloggers) but I almost never actually visit your website. I might mentally debate a point or two with you, but I rarely take the time to click over and put it in writing. If your goal is to stimulate thought, you’ve succeeded. If it’s to stimulate comments and discussion, well, I’m not sure that’s realistic anymore.
    But, if you do actually end up doing something really lurid…well, sure, I’m all over it – just let me know so I can bring a camera! 😉

  4. I would come to your blog less if you designed it that way. But I did enjoy the letter about how bad AA’s website is. I agree and only fly them when I have to because – you guessed it – the whole experience is dismal.

  5. Sherry, thanks for the insight. You’ve confirmed what I’ve believed all along: it’s all about the content, not the wrapper. And while good design won’t compensate for bad content, bad design can still overwhelm good content.
    Now, keep in mind that the post I linked to was really just trying to make a point, and nobody in their right mind would design a blog like that (AA being a possible exception). Plus, design blogs are geared toward a bunch of weird people anyway; I should know.
    But for a regular old let’s-talk-about-everything-under-the-sun blog like this one, I think the layout should be as simple as possible. And if there’s one thing I’m all over, it’s simple.

  6. I’m glad to know you read my blog…content or no, as you say…since I’m still considered “local”…. I’ve missed your funny comments! But so understand the efficiency of how you read…
    i need to further simplify my blog, as well. I’ve just not taken the time. Some blogs take way too long to load, but I don’t think mine is one of them.
    I looked at it tonight and went “blehhhhhh”.
    Love the tumbling videos..that’s amazing!

  7. Wouldn’t miss your blog, Janie! And I do feel bad for not commenting more often, on all the blogs I read, because I know how encouraging it is when folks leave those comments (however, you’re not exactly lacking in that department!).
    As far as simplifying your site, I don’t see any unnecessary complications at all. It loads quickly, and the focus is on the content. It may be boring to you, but I assure you that your visitors appreciate the readability.

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