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We spent an extended and very pleasant weekend in San Diego/Coronado, California. I hope to post a report with a few photos as soon as I can work through the backlog of work and errands that accumulated while we were away. In the meantime, here’s a teaser photo of four pelicans gliding along the coastline at the Cabrillo National Monument:

Photo of four flying pelicans

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  1. Rob, thanks for the kind words. I wish I could take credit for having a good eye or a skillful hand, but most of these pictures are the photographic equivalent of closing my eyes and hoping for the best!
    This one is a good example. I was using my “travel camera,” a little Sony point-and-shoot that slips into a shirt pocket. Small groups of pelicans were flying back and forth along the cliffs at Cabrillo, and sometimes we were almost at eye level with them. Most of the time I couldn’t even keep them in the camera frame, or they were back-lit by the sun, or too far away. This shot just happened to work out.

  2. Thanks, Gwynne. It wasn’t hard to avoid the dreaded “wingtip blur,” as they were in glide mode all the way. I’m always amazed at how an otherwise ungainly bird can be so graceful in the air.

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