Random Thursday

Scattershooting while pondering one of life’s most important questions: will Pamela Anderson’s samba outfit on this season’s Dancing With the Stars be sufficiently intriguing to offset the appearance of Kate Gosselin? (Seriously, though: Pamela Anderson?!)

  • You may have seen Rube Goldbergesque stunts before, but I assure you that you’ve seen nothing like this video from the pop group OKGo.


  • Here’s a bit of local news you Midlanders might not have yet heard. The pastor of Midland’s First Baptist Church, Gary Dyer, is leaving at the end of this month to pastor a church in Austin. Dr. Dyer has been at FBC Midland for about fifteen years; he was just the third pastor my wife and I have had since coming to Midland in 1982. FBC is, in my opinion, at something of a crossroads, and the choice of a new pastor will be critical in determining its future direction. But, I guess you can say that about any new pastor.
  • I found out today that one of my high school English teachers passed away, just short of his 90th birthday. Mr. Skylstad was born in Norway and came to America as a teen. There weren’t too many Norwegian immigrants in Fort Stockton. I remember him as having a great love of the English language and literature, and of teaching. I can’t honestly say that his class represented a great turning point in my life, but I do believe that he reinforced a love of reading and learning that I was fortunate enough to acquire at an early age. He also tried to teach critical thinking, something that I perceive to be sadly lacking in some of today’s educational tactics.
  • The practicality of this gadget for a bicyclist probably depends on the traffic conditions faced by the rider, but it has possibilities. I never ride on the street without a rearview mirror, so the ability to monitor traffic behind me via a video screen isn’t something I need. But, of course, when it comes to geeky toys, need is basically irrelevant. Plus, it allows you to record an accident, which should result in some new dramatic YouTube videos.
  • I have never claimed to be a graphic designer, but in my line of work, I can’t avoid tasks like coming up with color schemes for websites. Adobe’s Kuler is an excellent tool for the job, but it’s complicated and a bit of overkill. That’s why I’m thrilled to discover Elvan Online, a color generator that provides sliders for varying the colors, and one-click generation of a wide variety of palettes derived from a single color.
  • Finally, while dealing with color palettes is plenty intimidating, riding a dirt bike on a rocky 12″ wide trail at the edge of a sheer cliff is downright nausea-inducing. Exhibit A (you’ll have to click over to watch it on YouTube; apparently, it might cause 12 year olds to try to ride their motorcycles through the Andes, or something):

    There are a dozen places along this trail where I would have plummeted to my death (if I was fortunate), for the sole reason that I have never mastered the art of looking where I want to go instead of at what I want to avoid. And when I look at what I want to avoid, I inevitably ride straight for it. (You know, there’s a Bible verse that seems to address this very phenomenon, although it probably wasn’t originally intended for mountain bike riders.)


  1. Eric, I know what you are talking about in regards to pastors. I’m not sure our church will ever recover from the last one we had. The one we have now walked into a hard situation, but he is handling it well as anyone could.

  2. Incoming pastors always have some big challenges. Every member of the congregation will be judging the new guy against the old guy, with expectations that aren’t always obvious (much less reasonable).
    I didn’t mean to imply that our outgoing pastor is leaving the church in disarray, or that he’s leaving under a cloud. He’s not…not at all. But his departure is a catalyst and an opportunity for strategizing for the future, and for trying to figure out what kind of pastor will best shepherd us in that direction.

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