Baby Pome

Ever wonder what a pomegranate looks like in its very beginning? Well, wonder no more:

Photo - tiny pomegranate

To get a sense of the scale, those are my fingers holding the branch.


  1. And I didn’t realize your eyes were so bad! That pomegranate is actually the size of a basketball!! And I can use more exclamation marks than you can!!!

  2. Eric- glad to see how tiny the pomegranites are before they become the big fruit! I got my tree last year and it’s a wild thang for sure!! I pruned it before it started putting out leaves this spring but it looked so spindly- now I know that’s just how they look!

  3. Yeah, we planted a second small tree last fall and it’s scary how spindly it looks. I can’t imagine that it could support a full-sized pomegranate, but it’s got several on the way. I guess we’ll find out if it’s truly an overachiever!

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