These jeans rock

I found these in the pocket of my new stone-washed Wranglers this morning. I guess it proves that the jeans really were stone-washed, but as Debbie astutely observed, it’s a good thing they weren’t acid-washed. *rimshot*

Isolated Thunderstorms and Targeted Destruction

In this part of the country, “isolated thunderstorms” is weather-speak for “you’ll get rain approximately at the same time the devil goes ice skating in Hades.” Except for tonight, when our neighborhood found itself squarely in the cross hairs of one of those isolated incidents. We got a nice rain, which was greatly appreciated since… Continue reading Isolated Thunderstorms and Targeted Destruction

Baby Horny Toad

As I’ve noted before, horny toads seem to be making a comeback, at least in our neck of the woods. Here’s further evidence – a baby lizard, one of the smallest I’ve ever seen. I didn’t actually see this one, though, as Debbie came across it while walking this evening with a friend. That’s Debbie’s… Continue reading Baby Horny Toad

In Praise of Bitter Enders

I enjoyed this article about folks who sit all the way through movie end credits. Debbie and I fall squarely in the category of “bitter enders,” rarely missing the final credits. We’re usually looking for outtakes or “Easter eggs,” but we also enjoy reading the obscure job titles of people who work on movies. I’d… Continue reading In Praise of Bitter Enders

Categorized as Movies

National Night Out

We joined with a number of our neighbors for National Night Out, one of more than eighty that took place this evening around Midland. It was an enjoyable time to visit with people that we don’t see that often, except perhaps as our cars pass in the streets. But it was also a time to… Continue reading National Night Out