Big Toys Time

It’s only appropriate on this Super Bowl Sunday, a day devoted to over-the-top, larger-than-life, dumber-than-a-stump shenanigans that we at the Gazette focus briefly (in keeping with our attention spans) on some truly big toys.

I shot the following video through my pickup window on Friday, in Fort Stockton. It shows a coupla BA’d truck beds being transported through town. They came up the Sanderson Highway — puzzling in and of itself — and turned left onto Dickinson Boulevard where they no doubt brought all traffic in town to a halt. (I had another agenda so I couldn’t be bothered to follow. So much for journalistic curiosity.) I also haven’t a guess as to where they were headed. Are they using equipment like this at the nuclear waste disposal site in Andrews (city motto: “The stars at night aren’t the only thing glowing around here.”)?
By the way, that’s a 34-wheeler doing the heavy lifting.
Then there’s this. Regardless of where you stand on the issue of clear-cutting forests, you have to marvel at the engineering that goes into this machine. I wonder about two things, though. First, what’s the MTBF? And second, what does the one that produces toothpicks look like?


  1. As I’m sure you know, the big buckets are used in mining operations.
    See Item 5.
    They have also been used in mining reclamation activities when removing large quantities of tailings (mining waste).
    I’m sure they are used in other activities when very large quantities of material need to be moved.
    An old Ananconda Co. mining engineer told me that during staff meetings, they would discuss how they would stop one of these machines if a “rogue” operator when off shift and drove it thru town.

  2. Yeah, there’s no doubt somebody’s digging a big hole somewhere.
    Regarding the rogues, I assume some of that nitro used in mining operations can be repurposed as needed. 😉
    Hope you and yours are doing well, Paul!

  3. Ment to say “Went Off Shift”, came out “When off shift” — oh well.
    Not sure they still use Nitro. Googled “explosives used in open pit mining” — it dawned on me (too late) that might be something “the watchers” might be interested in — “what have I done” flashed thru my mind — my daughter calls me “Paranoid Paul”, obviously for good reason.
    The family is doing well — thanks for asking. Right back atcha.

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