My Plans / God’s Laughter

If you want to make God laugh, tell Him your plans.
Unknown Wag
For I know the plans that I have for you,’ declares the Lord, ‘plans for welfare and not for calamity, to give you a future and a hope.’
Jeremiah 29:11 [NAS]
I do agree that God laughs when we tell Him our plans, but probably not for the same reasons the unknown wag quoted above had in mind.
First, God laughs in joy when we, His children, feel comfortable and confident enough to confide in Him our wishes, hopes, and dreams for the future. He revels in that sort of fellowship and intimacy with His most beloved creations.
Second, His mirth arises from a divine inside joke – one that He wants us to understand, even though He also knows we’re really resistant to doing so. It’s the truth expressed in the passage from Jeremiah quoted above, giving us a glimpse at the truth behind God’s laughter.
He laughs because He knows that whatever our plans and dreams entail, they’re merely a fraction of the good things He has in store for His children, all who are “called to His purpose.”
So go ahead…tell Him your plans, and rest in the confidence that He’s laughing with you, and for you.
I was going to insert one of those “Laughing Jesus” pictures as a visual aid, but they’re either really creepy, or they just don’t match my imagination.
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