Sick dog

I don’t know if I’ve mentioned it before, but Abbye suffers from chronic canine Ehrlichiosis, a tick-borne disease similar to Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever. We suspect that she contracted it as a pup, before she came to us, as we believe she was out on her own for a while before the Humane Society found… Continue reading Sick dog

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Ombrophobic Canine

Today was the fourth consecutive rainy day in Midland. I know that doesn’t sound like much to some of you, but this is the desert, folks, and we’re more accustomed to measuring rainfall in terms of consecutive minutes rather than days. If you talk to any real west Texan, they’ll be ambivalent about a situation… Continue reading Ombrophobic Canine

Categorized as Abbye...

A Tale of Two Abbyes

I think I may have mentioned previously that our little dog is easily spooked. Well, that’s putting it mildly. If the wind is blowing more than 10 mph, she will not go outside unless coerced, for fear that a rogue leaf will blow her direction, causing untold devastation. Just today at lunch, I witnessed another… Continue reading A Tale of Two Abbyes

Categorized as Abbye...

Blogging on the 4th

Here’s a great juxtaposition of technologies: I’m sitting in my front drive, blogging via a wireless connection while overseeing the creation of homemade ice cream in our 25 year old Sears, Roebuck & Company electric freezer. I suppose a more dramatic contrast would involve a hand-cranked freezer, but then I couldn’t blog, so what’s the… Continue reading Blogging on the 4th


Don’t know if I’ve ever mentioned it before, but the doglike creature who co-habits our house and occasionally answers to the name of Abbye is the possessor of certain, um, behavioral quirks. She’s very suspicious of anything that appears to be wrong, where “wrong” may be defined as “anything she doesn’t expect.” For example, if… Continue reading Abbyeccentricity

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Abbye Update

I’m happy to report that Abbye is doing fine today, apart from being sore in the shoulder area. She was a little slow out of her crate this morning, but the recuperative powers of a scrambled egg and a little bacon (for medicinal purposes only, of course) are amazing, and she even consented to a… Continue reading Abbye Update

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Lightning Strikes Twice

My wife, Abbye and I were halfway around the park during this morning’s walk when the old man hobbled out from the cul-de-sac and onto the sidewalk ahead of us. He had a dog on a leash…a wiry medium-sized female of indeterminate breed, perhaps a terrier mix. We hung back, to let them move further… Continue reading Lightning Strikes Twice

Categorized as Abbye...

I toad you not to do that!

[Things are looking up, thanks to some herbal therapy. No, not that. I’m sipping a big mug of hot Kousmichoff Earl Grey Smoky tea (it comes in linen tea bags, you know…very civilized), and suddenly the world seems a lot more bloggable. The Kusmi Earl Grey is the best I’ve found. Most EGs have too… Continue reading I toad you not to do that!

Categorized as Abbye...

Dog Snack: Close Call

Abbye got to meet her new neighbor yesterday afternoon, and found that she’d just as soon avoid the next such encounter. Gabby is a 60 pound black labrador retriever who is normally kept in the backyard. As MLB, Abbye and I walked out the front door for our evening stroll, Gabby was running loose in… Continue reading Dog Snack: Close Call

Categorized as Abbye...

Leaves of Death

Please forgive the rather macabre post title. It’s an allusion to our dog’s reaction to this time of year. More in a moment. First, though, we need to come up with a new term to describe this time of year, climatologically speaking. It’s too early to be winter and it’s too cold to be fall… Continue reading Leaves of Death

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