Abbye: Nanook of the North

The dog-like creature that co-inhabits our house exhibits polar bear tendencies.

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Blind Faith

Learning spiritual lessons from a little blind dog.

Categorized as Abbye..., Faith

Abbye Update

Readers ask about Abbye, and we respond.

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Abbye Update

If knowing something is better than uncertainty, then there’s good news on the Abbye front. Otherwise…it’s not so good.

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Abbye Update

A medical update on our dog. Mostly good news, albeit a little on the boring side. OK, a lot.

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Abbye Update: A little good news

The radiologist’s reading of Abbye’s ultrasound was much different from the vet’s initial interpretation. And that’s very good news.

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Abbye Update

Abbye’s diagnosis gets a bit clearer, but the treatment remains a mystery for a little while longer.

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If dogs could sue…

Abbye is not amused by the 24-hour fast we’re imposing on her.

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