Abbye Update

I’m happy to report that Abbye is doing fine today, apart from being sore in the shoulder area. She was a little slow out of her crate this morning, but the recuperative powers of a scrambled egg and a little bacon (for medicinal purposes only, of course) are amazing, and she even consented to a morning walk before we headed off to church.

I think we may have found one potential defense against the apparent epidemic in canine assaults. Of course, Abbye will have to gain about 30 pounds, but that’s one area where she’s never lacked motivation!

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  1. It’s a huge relief that Abbye is going to be all right!!
    Nothing like a little “people food” to liven her up! Sounds like she had a fantastic day!
    It’s entirely understandable why an intelligent, well-behaved dog would find a leash demeaning. Still, maybe there’s some way of convincing her that she’s really leading you with the leash and the collar snap is just a convenience.

  2. Sorry about Abbye, hope she makes a full recovery….
    I’ve doing race cars all weekend, I think I must have contracted hepatitis. Now that I’m back this site looks yellow!!

  3. Eric, I’m so glad Abbye is better. I almost feel like I know her, from seeing all the pictures you post. So you did the old egg and bacon trick…breakfast time…hmmmm…you know, I’ve got this ache in my left shoulder…sniff…sniff…do you think I could wrangle some hash browns too?

  4. Well, Deb, it depends…how do you feel about being scratched behind the ears? 😉
    Next time you’re in Midland, we’ll spring for bacon, eggs AND hash browns…might even throw in a pancake or two!

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