Lauding Lund (Corb, that is…)

Much to the chagrin of my professional musician friends, I don’t usually buy albums. In the age of digital downloads, I pick and choose the songs I like best, and ignore the rest. I realize this is a symbolic slap in the face to those artists who put a lot of time and thought into… Continue reading Lauding Lund (Corb, that is…)

Categorized as Music

8 Track Lookback

Attending the Happy Together Tour concert last week put me in a musical nostalgic mood, and I rediscovered these in my small Museum of Obsolete Technology: These are the only survivors from the dozens of 8-track tapes I accumulated during my high school and early college years. I’m not sure of the strategy behind the… Continue reading 8 Track Lookback

Categorized as Music


Even though there is some Biblical support for the adage that if you want to hear God laugh, tell Him your plans, I’ve never bought into that concept except as it applies to plans that are clearly contrary to His will. And so when I tell you that we took our bike to Fredericksburg for… Continue reading Rain/Dance

Samba Ambitions

Note: Miss me? I missed you. I’m trying to ease back into this blogging thing, and the best way to do that is to either (1) steal something from someone else, or (b) repeat myself. Being the overachiever I’ve deluded myself into thinking I am, I choose to do both. Miss me? Maybe it’s the… Continue reading Samba Ambitions

Remembering Chris LeDoux

I was listening to music on my iPad last weekend and Riding For A Fall came up on the playlist. It made me think about the great music provided by Chris LeDoux, and what we lost when he died of cancer in 2005. LeDoux was a rare talent – a world champion rodeo cowboy and… Continue reading Remembering Chris LeDoux

Categorized as Music

Ask and Ye Shall Receiver, or Not

Have I mentioned that we got a new A/V receiver a couple of months ago? Astute Gazette readers may recall this tragic post in which I documented our tragic inability to watch 3D movies at home because of our tragically old-and-busted equipment (which was really neither, but technology is a harsh mistress). It’s a Pioneer… Continue reading Ask and Ye Shall Receiver, or Not

Music Review: “Old Angel” by The Lost Dogs

If you’re seeking music that’s a bit out of the mainstream, something that defies easy characterization, perhaps an album of story-songs, let me direct you to The Lost Dogs’ 2010 album Old Angel, a musical tribute to “America’s Main Street,” Route 66. The proprietors of the iTunes Store haven’t figured out how to categorize The Lost… Continue reading Music Review: “Old Angel” by The Lost Dogs

Categorized as Music

Garth in Vegas

I can’t remember if I mentioned this, but we spent a couple of nights in Las Vegas on our way back from our recent San Diego vacation. The main reason we did this was to attend the Garth Brooks show at the Wynn Hotel. We’ve never been huge Garth fans – his confessed infidelity and… Continue reading Garth in Vegas

Categorized as Music