Samba Ambitions

Note: Miss me? I missed you. I’m trying to ease back into this blogging thing, and the best way to do that is to either (1) steal something from someone else, or (b) repeat myself. Being the overachiever I’ve deluded myself into thinking I am, I choose to do both. Miss me?

Maybe it’s the influence of Dancing With The Stars, or perhaps the impending change of seasons that will usher in beach-like weather (if not actual beaches), but MLB and I have had an urge to dance ourselves some samba lately. Unfortunately, samba is our weak link; we rarely get a good song from the dance bands around here, so we don’t practice it, and so we frankly suck at it. But that’s gonna change, because The Mavericks are making it impossible not to samba, thanks to this song.

Seriously, can you resist that beat and the fun they have with that song? Neither can we. And so instead of watching the DWTS results show, we were practicing boto fogas, traveling voltas, and samba maxixes.

Need another example of a samba from a more familiar genre (assuming you’re a Texan, of course)? Clay Walker is happy to oblige:

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