Here are some photos I took of various things in various places, and a couple I didn’t take. Just so you know.
Category: Photography
Words || Pictures
Fire Ant Flickers (#7)
I needed to clear a few browser tabs. Sorry about that.
Wherein I learn I need better photographic equipment and the brain to use it. Also, a transparent TV is an oxymoron, but tell that to the Koreans. And, finally, a tip for getting out of a situation that you’ll swear wasn’t your fault.
My favorite photos of 2024
This is the time of year that everyone publishes their "best of..." stories. Mine always starts and ends with photos.
A quick lookback at 2024 through the lenses of my cameras.
Fire Ant Flickers (#3)
Poking fun at the MSM; Cleverly performed music; bird [mis]identification; universal antivenom on the horizon. And a bit more!
Fire Ant Flickers (#1)
The more things change, the more they stay the same.
Welcome to the first installment of Fire Ant Flickers, which is indistinguishable from a Random Thursday post, but that’s just a fluke of timing. Really.
Random Thursday
It's summer and the living is...always surprising.
We’ve had a parade of kids, adults, and dogs at our place through most of June, and randomness is the operative term for pretty much everything.
Gigapixel: AI Done Right
There are some AI applications that border on magic.
AI is everywhere, in everything, all the time, or so it seems, and the common thread is that it’s underwhelming. Fortunately, there are some exceptions.
Random Thursday: The [Mostly] Photos Edition
Anything worthy seeing is worth photographing.
A variety of pictures of plants, animals, fungi, and dissected machinery. You know, the usual.
Drone Drama: Downed & Drowned
The eclipse was awesome, but the related trauma wasn't.
The fact that the eclipse could wreck my drone was apparently not a surprise to anyone but me.
Photo Friday: The New Camera Edition
My new camera deserves a better operator.
I finally got a replacement for a 15 year old camera, and it’s pretty cool (and intimidating).