Riot (Florally speaking)

In the midst of a brutal drought, and on a day of 100+ degree temperatures, wildflowers still find a way. This image is a composite of three photos of the same plant I found growing in the pasture west of our neighborhood, taken at different focal lengths and slightly different angles. I overlaid them in… Continue reading Riot (Florally speaking)

Quelle Quail? These Quail!

This evening I noticed some shallow disturbances at random between the flagstones on the east side of our back yard, as if something had been digging or scratching. I also heard some rustling noises around the mediterranean fan palm in that vicinity. This looks like a pretty good place for something to hide, doesn’t it? I… Continue reading Quelle Quail? These Quail!

Canon Powershot N…which stands for “not quite there”

In late April Canon released a new point-and-shoot camera, the PowerShot N. I pre-ordered it from (where I now see that it’s temporarily out of stock) based primarily on two features described in a preview article: an 8:1 optical zoom, and built-in WiFi. It didn’t hurt that the camera is about 20% smaller than my all-time… Continue reading Canon Powershot N…which stands for “not quite there”

Macro Mania

Made some time this afternoon to play with my new(ish) macro lens and ring flash, with just a dash of Photoshop thrown in. ‘Tis not the season for much nature photography, but it’s fun to see what subjects present themselves in the garage. To wit… Heat sink from a computer circuit board Pliers Driver bits… Continue reading Macro Mania

Categorized as Photography

New Year Snow

We didn’t exactly get a blizzard in Midland (although parts of West Texas did get just that), but it was nice to wake up to a snow-covered view on our day off. I suspect that the back yard horny toad – who, by the way, is attracting way more coverage lately than he merits –… Continue reading New Year Snow

Guardian Horny Toad

Doves don’t strike me as being the most intelligent members of the avian world, if only because of how often they seem to knock themselves silly by flying into our windows. But their silliness can also be sort of tranquil, in the right setting. This guy (gal?) apparently decided he (she?) was among friends, regardless… Continue reading Guardian Horny Toad