Random Thursday

Did you notice that I posted three times yesterday? It’s almost like I’m a real blogger. It wore me out, though, so don’t get used to it. This Random Thursday post is going to be a little different than most, because I’m going to freestyle it, sort of like Kid Rock on the CMT Awards… Continue reading Random Thursday

Random Thursday

Scattershooting while contemplating a four day weekend… It’s been a while since I wrote anything remotely Apple-fanboyish, so indulge me for pointing out that yesterday was a red letter day in that company’s history, as its market capitalization at the close of trading exceeded that of arch-rival Microsoft. Market cap is for all practical purposes… Continue reading Random Thursday

Random Thursday – The 1st Day of Spring on a Saturday Edition

Is this really the first day of Spring? I get confused about the date, and not just because the temperature is 50 degrees colder today than yesterday. I could Google it, but, you know…spring fever and all. Anyway, now that The Gate is hung, I’m between projects (I’m contemplating trying my hand at building a… Continue reading Random Thursday – The 1st Day of Spring on a Saturday Edition

Random Thursday

Scattershooting while taking a break from what is nowadays my morning ritual: sweeping the sand left by the previous day’s windstorm from our driveway. (At least this morning I didn’t have to break out the shovel, as I did on Monday.) This graph has been showing up in various places across the web, but in… Continue reading Random Thursday

Random Thursday

Scattershooting while pondering one of life’s most important questions: will Pamela Anderson’s samba outfit on this season’s Dancing With the Stars be sufficiently intriguing to offset the appearance of Kate Gosselin? (Seriously, though: Pamela Anderson?!) You may have seen Rube Goldbergesque stunts before, but I assure you that you’ve seen nothing like this video from… Continue reading Random Thursday

Random Thursday

Scattershooting while pondering the email I received overnight with a subject line of “Your income depends on the watch you wear.” That would explain a lot, actually, given that I generally wear no timepiece. I understand that Elin Woods was so taken with Tiger’s contrition during his “public statement” last week that she’s given him… Continue reading Random Thursday

Random Thursday – The Friday Edition

A few random offerings while pondering what life might be like in a country where one’s sporting excitement is provided by an activity named “curling.” Velocologne is not a body scent for cyclists, but a German manufacturer of recumbent bicycles. Their design is rather unusual, as evidence by the following video: Did you notice? The… Continue reading Random Thursday – The Friday Edition

Random Thursday

OK, this is one of the geekier RT posts, so some of you (you know who you are…and so do I) might want to go have a nice glass of orange juice instead of spending time here. I mean, you don’t have to, but don’t say you weren’t warned. So you think you’re a font… Continue reading Random Thursday

Random Thursday

Lots to marvel about on the web today. I say, let’s get to it. But first…check out the Vintage Ad Browser. Type in a search term (say, “Buick” or, if you want to see the ugliest Mustang ever built, “1980 Ford Mustang”) and enjoy the results (or prepare to weep if you try the Mustang… Continue reading Random Thursday

Random Thursday

OK, so where were we? Oh, yeah…that’s right…I lost two full days to a colonoscopy (and in a post-procedure drugged stupor asked my wife if she wanted to go shopping for gas logs). But enough about that… I’m not a “cat person” (science is on my side in that regard, by the way), but I… Continue reading Random Thursday