
As a freelancer, I’m like a shark. No, not dangerously vicious, nor delicious in soup, but as a shark has to keep moving to stay alive, I have to keep working to stay solvent. I need to have a steady inflow of projects to keep me in business, and that has the potential to generate… Continue reading Choices

Google up a job…but not the way you think

Need a new job? Do what this guy did – capitalize on the narcissistic tendencies of bosses by purchasing their names as keywords, and wait for them to Google themselves. This is a rather striking example of combining tech savvy with insight into human nature and psychology. No wonder he actually landed a job with… Continue reading Google up a job…but not the way you think

Lindsay’s Slippery Slope

I’m sure that you’ve heard that Lindsay Lohan is suing E-Trade and its advertising firm for using the name “Lindsay” in one of their wildly popular TV commercials. The “actress” wants $100 million for “pain and suffering” because – her lawyer claims – she’s a “one-name celeb like Oprah or Madonna” and the TV ad… Continue reading Lindsay’s Slippery Slope

“When The Money’s All Gone”

Good time Charlie’s on the evening news The party’s gone public, grab your dancin’ shoes Pass it around ’til we all get stoned We’ll all come down when the money’s all gone. Everybody’s livin’, everybody’s high Everybody’s sellin’ so buy, baby, buy Everything’s had and nothing is owned Around it goes ’til the money’s all… Continue reading “When The Money’s All Gone”

Unique Local Haiti Relief Effort

Vicki Jay is the director of Midland’s Rays of Hope, a grief counseling resource for children (and an outreach of HospiceMidland). She leaves next week for Haiti for ten days as a part of a grief/trauma team working with children in a Haitian village that was devastated by the earthquake. That relief project could use… Continue reading Unique Local Haiti Relief Effort

Forgetting J.D. Salinger

The media is filled today with stories about the impact that J.D. Salinger’s The Catcher in the Rye made on impressionable [mostly] young readers. For example, the co-hosts of NBC’s Today Show shared their recollections of how the book affected them, with Matt Laurer stating that he remembered being proud that Catcher was his first… Continue reading Forgetting J.D. Salinger