Monster Bike

My assumption is that this creation was commissioned by an orthopedic surgeon looking to beef up his knee replacement practice: Call me when they come out with a tandem version. Link via Cool Material

“That’s Oil, Folks!”

I pretty much gave up on Texas Monthly years ago, when Molly Ivins exemplified the magazine’s left-staggering slant on, well, just about everything. (Plus, they were rarely charitable toward my beloved Aggies, and way too benevolent toward our arch-rival, Whose Name Shall Not Be Mentioned.) The downside of that decision, however, is that I miss… Continue reading “That’s Oil, Folks!”

Filtering Criticism

Seth Godin has a[nother] excellent post this morning entitled Interpreting Criticism. Here’s the money quote: Criticism of your idea is usually based on assumptions about the world as it is. Jackson Pollock could never have made it as an painter in the world as it was. And Harry Potter was rejected by just about everyone… Continue reading Filtering Criticism

Scientific Dancing

Scientists have discovered what moves make a guy a good dancer, at least in the eyes of female onlookers (and, after all, what else matters?). It’s apparently very simple, which only deepens the mystery of why so many of us are such bad dancers. We just need to move our torsos and necks more. *forehead… Continue reading Scientific Dancing

Random Thursday

The theme of today’s post could be “Around the Web,” as I don’t have anything noteworthy to write about, not that that’s ever stopped me. Ever wonder how a sewing machine works? How about a rotary engine or a Maltese Cross mechanism? If you’re a visual learner, this website has some very simple animated examples… Continue reading Random Thursday

My new “Life Verse”

A hilarious post entitled Having a ‘life verse’ appeared a few days ago on the Stuff Christians Like blog and it made me realize that I, like the anonymous author of that post, have never really adopted a favorite Bible verse that I could roll out to demonstrate my superior-yet-humble spirituality. For one thing, my… Continue reading My new “Life Verse”

Does Praying Make You a Christian?

Last week, in response to a poll wherein almost 20% of respondents said they believed that President Obama is a Muslim, a White House spokesman stated that “the President is obviously a – is Christian.” The spokesman went on to support this assertion by saying “he prays every day,” as if that settled the question… Continue reading Does Praying Make You a Christian?

Categorized as Faith

Redesigned US Currency

There have been a number of attempts to redesign US currency, which I’ll readily admit looks old and drab next to that of many other countries (but which also demonstrates that beauty does not always equate to utility or value, but that’s a completely different issue). The Dollar ReDe$ign Project brings many of those attempts… Continue reading Redesigned US Currency

Tattooed Teachers

Semi-interesting post over at the Freakonomics blog about the possibility that college professors who have tattoos could be more successful than their non-ink-stained counterparts. I’m pretty skeptical about the relevance of the study cited in the post, as are most of the commenters. If nothing else, showing male undergrads photos of tattooed female models* is,… Continue reading Tattooed Teachers