My father-in-law maintains an active online presence, checking his Facebook account daily, along with a handful of other websites. That’s not particularly notable in and of itself, but the fact that he’s 93 years old makes it special. It also means that he has a few challenges that most of us don’t face, including some… Continue reading Overriding Website Styles in Google Chrome to Improve Usability
Slinging Henry
After almost a year of fearful contemplation, and thanks in no small part to a bit of cabin fever (it’s been really cold for TWO DAYS!), I finally worked up the courage to mount a sling to my Henry Golden Boy rifle. If that doesn’t sound all that courageous, then you’ve never seen that beautiful… Continue reading Slinging Henry
Cold Snap
What we thought was an ice storm was just a mild precursor to what happened overnight, as we awakened to a quarter-inch coating on, well, everything. There’s a certain amount of beauty in such events – not enough to make us wish for more of them, of course – as ordinary things are transformed into… Continue reading Cold Snap
Cool Photos…Ice Cold, in fact
We had our first ice storm of the season last night. Or today. I’m not sure; we were out of town, but returned this afternoon to find a thin layer of ice over all the vegetation. (Fortunately, there was none on the roadways between Midland and the Hill Country, although it appeared to be moving… Continue reading Cool Photos…Ice Cold, in fact
Fall Blooms
We haven’t yet had a freeze this fall, and the really hot temperatures of summer are finally behind us. The recent rainfall coupled with the mild conditions means that the flowering plants are putting on some wonderful performances. Last Saturday I strapped on a macro lens and walked around the yard, snooping on our blooming… Continue reading Fall Blooms
A Bike Ride at Horseshoe Bay
Lots going on lately. You’d think it would generate plenty of blog fodder, and you’d be right, but my next post may be entitled “10 Ways to Keep from Writing,” because I seem to have perfected the skill of literary silence. Anyway, let it not be said that I missed an entire calendar month, because… Continue reading A Bike Ride at Horseshoe Bay
Stalking the wily Punica granatum
We’re a little late for Rosh Hashanah, but we harvested the first pomegranate this morning. We may still be a bit early for optimum ripeness; we never know for sure until we break one apart and try it out, but most conventional wisdom says to wait until October to harvest them. The seed pulp on… Continue reading Stalking the wily Punica granatum
DIY: Secure your door with a security hinge plate stud
We’re going to have some remodeling work done on the house, meaning that we’ll have a crew of people we don’t know in our home for a week. And while they work for a reputable local contractor, there’s something a little unsettling about having strangers in your house while you’re not there. While we could… Continue reading DIY: Secure your door with a security hinge plate stud
Fall Fredericksburg Fandango
We’ve just returned from a long weekend in Fredericksburg, where we were able to do many of the things we like to do best, including bicycling, dancing, and eating. We stayed at a bed and breakfast on North Cherry Street, in a quiet neighborhood close to the western edge of town. It’s one of the… Continue reading Fall Fredericksburg Fandango
Aliens among us seeking steel-belted radials
Or maybe they’re just humans from an alternate, rubber-worshipping universe, or visitors from an algoresque future without tyres. Who knows? But whatever their origins, while we can’t necessarily judge their motives for needing the wheels on one of our company trucks residing in our company parking lot, we are left with one niggling question: wasn’t… Continue reading Aliens among us seeking steel-belted radials