Little known Fire Ant facts

Here are some little known facts about nature’s perfect creation.

Ten Top Trivia Tips about Fire Ants!

  1. The first domain name ever registered was Fire
  2. All of the roles in Shakespeare’s plays – including the female roles – were originally played by Fire Ants!
  3. Fire Ants are the largest of Saturn’s moons.
  4. In Chinese, the sound ‘Fire Ants’ means ‘bite the wax tadpole’.
  5. US gold coins used to say ‘In Fire Ants we trust’!
  6. Louisa May Alcott, author of ‘Little Fire Ants’, hated Fire Ants and only wrote the book at her publisher’s request.
  7. Fire Ants were originally called Cheerioats.
  8. The opposite sides of Fire Ants always add up to seven.
  9. In the 1600s, tobacco was frequently prescribed to treat headaches, bad breath and Fire Ants.
  10. Fire Ants are the world’s smallest jugglers.
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Thus endeth the biology lesson.


  1. LOL 🙂 I’ve always wondered why the name, “Fire Ant Gazette.” Wouldn’t the “Cheerioats Gazette” have been nice? But seriously, what is the significance of the Fire Ant here at the Gazette (besides making for some funny trivia)?

  2. Fastow looks like a Fire Ant, now that you mention it…Fire Ants battling Raptors…sounds like a restless night for you. Love the facial expression though. Sweet dreams. >:-)
    Say, you didn’t work for Enron, did you? :-\

  3. That Mechanical Conundrum has some sort of inborn intellingence. #5 for “Wallace Craig” was….
    Contrary to popular belief, Wallace Craig is not successful at sobering up a drunk person, and in many cases he may actually increase the adverse effects of alcohol!

  4. Why, Eric, you’ve made me blush. Again. Thank you. But c’mon, make the cake already. 🙂
    Indeed, it’s true: I am 984 feet tall. But I’m also chubby, so I give the illusion of shortness, more like 5’6″. It’s all an optical illusion, though. Really.

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