My Idea for a “Taken” Sequel

So, we took in a matinée showing of Taken today, and as we walked out of the theater I bounced this idea off MLB

“They need to pair up Liam Neeson’s Bryan Mills with Bruce Willis’s John McClain and have them be dads who volunteer to be chaperones on a high school trip in order to keep an eye on their daughters. Something could go terribly wrong — terrorists could, like, kidnap the whole class and, like, do mean stuff — and Bryan and John could go into action to save them.” 

I know, it sounds lame, but what if the field trip was to Washington, D.C. And what if the bad guys were actually Congress? Starting to see the appeal now? 

OK, it’s just a fantasy, but if you’re a Hollywood screenwriter cruising the net for ideas, remember where you heard it. 

Anyway, if you haven’t seen Taken and you’re a fan of the Die Hard movies, go see it. Neeson doesn’t have Willis’s comic flair, but to paraphrase Johner in Alien: Resurrection*, he is not the guy with whom you want to **** (pardon my French special characters, which is appropriate given that most of the movie’s action took place in Paris). 

*This is an under-appreciated member of the “Alien” line-up, in my opinion. The movie is worth watching if only for Ripley’s basketball scene, and getting to see the corrupt General Perez pull his own pineal gland** out of the back of his head and stare at it in horror is, well, compelling beyond description.

**OK, I have no idea if it really was a pineal gland, but it was small and icky and seemed like something a person would be really sad to be holding in his hand.

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