“A modern spiritual”

Was Lawrence Welk really this clueless? (H/T Charles at Dustbury.com) I initially thought this was a very well done spoof, but I’m now pretty sure it’s legit. Here’s a tip: just because a song mentions Jesus and Mary – even as proper nouns instead of exclamations – doesn’t make it a “spiritual.” Confession: I still… Continue reading “A modern spiritual”

Random Thursday

Some random thoughts (hey, it’s what we do) while contemplating what I’d do with an electric car that generates more torque than an M1 Abrams tank (well, other than pulling my house – slab and all – to the vacant lot across the street that has a better view of the pond). I got another… Continue reading Random Thursday

Categorized as Random Thursday

Plucking Pomegranates

We picked our first two pomegranates this evening. The softball-sized fruit looked so red and shiny, we just couldn’t resist finding out whether they were really ripe – or just looked that way. Debbie halved one of them and the fleshy seeds certainly looked ripe. As it turns out, we might have been a week… Continue reading Plucking Pomegranates

Cellphone Radiation

Get the Cell Phone Radiation Level widget and many other great free widgets at Widgetbox! As reported in this Wired article, the Environmental Working Group (EWG) has analyzed almost 1,300 models of cellphones to determine how much radiation each handset emits. They’ve created a helpful database of their findings, and you can query that data… Continue reading Cellphone Radiation

Categorized as Technology

And yet another bug pic

We’ve were hit with a veritable plague of grasshoppers a couple of weeks ago. Occasionally, we’d pick up a hitchhiker on the car, including this one that landed on the windshield, and provided a rather unique perspective for a photo.

Yeah, it’s another bug pic

This critter was on the wall outside the studio where we had our dance lesson tonight. It’s some variety of walking stick insect but I’ve never seen one quite like it before. It’s about six inches in length, and more delicate-looking than most walking sticks I’ve seen.

Stalking the wily petabyte

I can remember when an 80 megabyte hard drive was an extravagant, four-figure upgrade to a computer. I remember being blown away in 1998 when I learned that Microsoft’s TerraServer project contained one terabyte of data. Today, I’ve got three terabytes (that’s ~3,000 gigabytes) of storage scattered among a handful of internal and external drives,… Continue reading Stalking the wily petabyte