Kill ’em and Color ’em

Debbie and I were strategizing the other day about how to incorporate the severe watering restrictions into our lawn care regimen. We’re resigned to the fact that the grass will probably die when the heat of the summer hits, but we’re not interested in putting in fake turf. So, I was opining that we should… Continue reading Kill ’em and Color ’em

Five Book Mini-Reviews

There’s a good reason for the solid non-blogging going on around here lately: I’ve been reading. You know, like, books. You might find something of interest among the group, so here are some brief reviews. The linked titles lead to, where you can either order the hard copy version, or download the Kindle version;… Continue reading Five Book Mini-Reviews

Random Thursday

We interrupt our regularly scheduled non-blogging for this special programming: Had a guy call me today about one of the websites I developed and maintained for a local organization. It hasn’t been updated since I closed my shop last August, and he had volunteered to take it over and bring it up-to-date. The only catch… Continue reading Random Thursday