Venus in Transit (A faithful re-creation)

For those who were unable to experience the joyous, mystical, deliriously magnificent spectacle of Venus crawling across the face of old Sol like a mobile blackhead, you’ll get another chance to see it in about 105 years. But if you have other plans – like, say, washing your flying car or catching Betty White live on the 200th season of Dancing With The Stars – never fear. I’ve painstakingly rendered a faithful, um, rendering of today’s astronomical anomaly, so that no one will have to miss out on this special event.

And, as is so often the case where serendipity smiles on the innocent bystander, I also managed to capture a concurrent astronomical event that happened so quickly that I doubt that anyone but me saw it, much less recorded it. What can I say? That’s mi vida loca, you know. Anyway, scroll down and tell your grandkids you saw it here. (Bonus: If you scroll really, really fast, you’ll get a special visual treat.)

Scientific Rendering
Scientific Rendering
Scientific Rendering
Scientific Rendering
Scientific Rendering
Scientific Rendering
Scientific Rendering
Scientific Rendering
Scientific Rendering
Scientific Rendering

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  1. I literally Laughed Out Loud. Thanks Eric.
    (And I’ve passed the link along to the local astronomy club. The astro-imagers in the group will be jealous.)

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