Adios, 2022. Don’t let the door hit you on your way out.

Photo: Jalapeños in a bowl

I wouldn’t say that 2022 was a complete disaster. I mean, compared to 2021, it was a relative walk in the park, and not Jurassic Park like last year. But it did have its challenges, mostly health-related for me, and I’m not sad to turn the page to a new year.

A month or so ago I mentioned that my pal Berry Simpson does an annual look-back in the form of a list of 100 things that had a positive influence on him during the preceding year. Being the disciplined overachiever that we all secretly hate, he’s already published his 2022 list, despite having three more days to experience something life-changing. I foolishly resolved to join him in that exercise.

In the introduction to his list, Berry warns that it’s harder than it might seem and I found that to be true. In fact, I’ve only got 68 items on my list as of this writing, and some of them — like successfully plugging in a USB-B dongle on the first try, or opening a bag of Grape-Nuts without scissors, or going a whole year without watching CNN or Fox News — seem a bit lame. But I shall persist and I will publish my list…soon. Very soon. Pretty soon. OK, we’ll see.

One thing that I haven’t put on the list but which has impacted me positively is learning that you guys are suckers for memes, which relieves me of the burden of having to be creative. It is therefore appropriate that I celebrate the end of 2022 with a few of them.

First, some tips for a wise celebration of New Year’s Eve that will get you off to a great start in 2023.

Me too, but make mine caffeine-free, or I’ll be up all night.

If you’re like me — and you have my sympathies if you are — you agonize over what New Year’s resolutions you’ll choose and immediately forget/ignore/mock. Someone wiser than me has helpfully put together a visual aid to help streamline this process.

New Year's Resolution Generator
Feel free to substitute the Dallas Cowboys for anything in the right hand column.

Regardless of how you approach the new year, rest confidently in the sure knowledge that God loves you and His grace is sufficient for anything that might come your way. At the same time, being human, it’s difficult for us not to approach the future with a bit of caution.

Cartoon: Poking a door labeled '2023' with a stick

My wish for you is that throughout 2023, your sunrises will be glorious, your days will be invigorating, your sunsets will be thrilling, and your nights will be peaceful. May the good Lord bless and keep you and yours!

Photo: Sunrise over Lake LBJ
The heavens tell of the glory of God;
And their expanse declares the work of His hands.

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