About the header photo: Early morning skies are most dramatic when the rising sun hits clouds at just the right angle. But some clouds are of human origin…such as this contrail left by a high-flying jet.
It’s been about a month since I last devoted an entire post to photographs. Here is a handful that I’ve accumulated since then.
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Good, no really excellent job on the photography shots and accompaniying discriptions cuz. I liked the cable-eating tree best. Thanks.
Thanks, Cuz…I appreciate your, uh, appreciation! 🤗 I always like hearing from you.
Supposed to warm up over next few days – will make your morning run even more enjoyable.
To be honest, Robert, we sorta dread the warmer morning temperatures. A perfect running morning for us is around 50º and calm winds. But the scenery around here offsets a lot of discomfort!