Drought and the San Saba River

The effects of the ongoing drought are depressingly evident throughout the Hill Country of Texas. We traveled from Midland to Fredericksburg last weekend, and brown was the dominant theme for the countryside. Except for a brief oasis-like hint of green around San Angelo (thanks to some very isolated recent downpours), the countryside was distressed beyond… Continue reading Drought and the San Saba River

Categorized as Nature, Texas

Rick Perry’s Tax Return: Reading too much into it?

Texas governor Rick Perry’s plans to host a day of prayer and fasting in Houston’s Reliant Stadium on August 6th have – not surprisingly – evoked a wide range of reactions. Some are accusing the governor of crossing the line between church and state, some are suing to stop the gathering, and some are applauding… Continue reading Rick Perry’s Tax Return: Reading too much into it?

The sources of Midland County’s net gain in population

Forbes Magazine has created an interactive graphic showing population movements into and out of every county in the United States in 2008, based on federal income tax-related data provided by the IRS. A mouse click on each county reveals lines emanating from that county to every other county where people moved to or from, and… Continue reading The sources of Midland County’s net gain in population

And…another stroll down memory lane: Wiley Walker & Gene Sullivan

Update [October, 2011]: C.S. Fuqua has published a book entitled “Alabama Musicians: Musical Heritage from the Heart of Dixie.” Why do I tell you this? Because Gene Sullivan was from Alabama, and Mr. Fuqua included a chapter about him in the book. He also included the photo shown below, and provided yours truly with a… Continue reading And…another stroll down memory lane: Wiley Walker & Gene Sullivan

Another stroll down memory lane: Bewley’s Chuck Wagon Gang

Below is another scan from Debbie’s mom’s collection of ’30s and ’40s memorabilia. The Chuck Wagon Gang is still going strong (I wonder what the original group would have thought about the idea of a website?), billing itself as “the oldest recording mixed gospel group still performing with ties to the original founding.” The scan… Continue reading Another stroll down memory lane: Bewley’s Chuck Wagon Gang

Light Crust Doughboys

Debbie was going through some of her mom’s memorabilia a couple of weeks ago, and ran across a flyer for “Parker Willson and the Light Crust Doughboys.” I suspect that most people in Texas have at least heard of the LCDs, which, according to Wikipedia (the font of all human knowledge, or at least semi-informed… Continue reading Light Crust Doughboys

High Wire Act

This walking stick was hanging from an electrical line over our B&B at Canyon Lake last week, barely in reach of my zoom lens. I don’t know what he thought he’d find up there, and he seemed to make a great target for a hungry bird, but I guess he knew what he was doing.… Continue reading High Wire Act

Medina is not a “Truther” — but she’s also not a politician

I apologize in advance for another political post, especially to those who don’t care about the Texas governor’s election, but politics are like a tarbaby…once you get a finger in the mess, it’s hard to make a clean break. In case you haven’t heard, Debra Medina’s interview on Glenn Beck’s radio program yesterday turned out… Continue reading Medina is not a “Truther” — but she’s also not a politician

Caution: Band at Work

Former Midlander Kyle Lent owns a recording studio in Georgetown (TX) and is also the lead guitarist for The Justin Cofield Band. The band is embarking on what it calls a “Grand Experiment,” an aspect of which involves allowing us to watch their recording sessions via webcam. If you’ve ever been curious about what goes… Continue reading Caution: Band at Work

Categorized as Faith, Music, Texas