Today marks the 10th anniversary of the collapse of the bonfire on the Texas A&M campus that killed twelve students and injured many others. The university marked this anniversary with a week-long observance, which culminated in a candlelight vigil and memorial service beginning at 2:42 this morning, the precise time of the collapse. Photos from… Continue reading Aggie Bonfire – 10 Years Later
Category: Texas
Aggies Infiltrate Austin
It was possible that in the hubbub surrounding some football game that took place Saturday night in Austin (*yawn*), a more momentous occasion was overlooked. We at the Gazette want to do our part to ensure it’s recorded for posterity. This photo was graciously sent to me by Gazette reader Lisa, a Georgetown resident whose… Continue reading Aggies Infiltrate Austin
Link Love
Ran across a few interesting links I think you might enjoy as you contemplate the wonder that is Friday. Now, about that cover… is a post from the author of the book by the same name, and it deals with how the quite striking cover of his book came to be. The photo shown on… Continue reading Link Love
Texas has its own “Cash for Clunkers” program
I suspect that many people in the Permian Basin don’t realize that in addition to the federal government’s Car Allowance Rebate System (CARS or “Cash for Clunkers”) program, Texas is also offering a cash incentive for the trade-in of an old auto for a new one. The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) created the… Continue reading Texas has its own “Cash for Clunkers” program
Major Award
What’s the sweatiest you’ve ever been? Ha! You call that sweat? That’s not sweat…
On the Trail of the Naked Indians
This is a horticultural essay. Really.