
Sorry, this is not a post about personal fitness or adjusting your gullibility while watching The View.  I don’t know about you, but I haven’t come close to mastering my profession. I suspect that’s the case for most people who work in technology-related fields, as well as those whose focus is on creative endeavors (after… Continue reading Stretching

The sources of Midland County’s net gain in population

Forbes Magazine has created an interactive graphic showing population movements into and out of every county in the United States in 2008, based on federal income tax-related data provided by the IRS. A mouse click on each county reveals lines emanating from that county to every other county where people moved to or from, and… Continue reading The sources of Midland County’s net gain in population

Characterizing the Earth’s Population

National Geographic has analyzed certain characteristics of the Earth’s approximately 7 billion human inhabitants and offers up some interesting statistics in six categories: Language: 13% speak Mandarin as their first language, vs. 5% Spanish and 5% English Nationality: 19% are Chinese, 17% Indian, 4% American Religion: 33% are Christian, 21% Muslim, 13% Hindu Livelihood: 40%… Continue reading Characterizing the Earth’s Population

Citizen reporting of bad driving: What could possibly go wrong?

Anyone driving slower than me is an idiot.Anyone driving faster than me is a jerk. —Unknown The preceding observation is perhaps the best reason that the proposal to create a 24-hour hotline that allows Texans to report bad drivers is a bad idea. I fear that many of us lack the objectivity and discipline to distinguish… Continue reading Citizen reporting of bad driving: What could possibly go wrong?

Best Laid Plans

If you’re seeking reasons not to make New Year’s resolutions, look no further than what happened to us last night. We can’t be assured that our plans for the next four hours will succeed, much less those for the next 365 days. We had planned to bring in the new year at a dance, but… Continue reading Best Laid Plans

Amazon reluctantly does the right thing’s “commitment to principle” lasted about twelve hours, and then it showed that it’s still in the business of turning a profit and dependent on the good graces of its customers to do so. In pulling from its virtual bookshelf the disgusting The Pedophile’s Guide To Love & Pleasure: A Child-Lover’s Code of Conduct, Amazon… Continue reading Amazon reluctantly does the right thing

Measuring “Religious Knowledge”

Remember my mild rant about the lack of critical thinking skills among students? It’s not just students who are falling short in this area; some newspaper reporters appear to be challenged in this regard. Here’s a quote from a story in the Los Angeles Times about the results of this survey (link to a PDF… Continue reading Measuring “Religious Knowledge”

Unflattered by Imitation

After more than ten years of doing freelance web design/development, I keep thinking I’ve seen everything…and then I encounter something new. I received an email yesterday from a client who had been contacted by another organization, the latter asking permission to use unspecified aspects of the former’s website in the design of a new site… Continue reading Unflattered by Imitation