Ways women are not like men: Episode #856

Me: “When do you want to go to Home Depot?” Her: “Let me finish this, then I’ll be ready. Are you going to clean up first?” Me: “I don’t understand the question.”

Tool Meme

Tired of those boring, wimpy book and music memes? Here’s a manly one to waste some time with.

Categorized as Shopware...

You’re psychotic; I’m logically cautious

I finally got around to watching The Aviator yesterday, thanks to NetFlix. If you having been paying attention, this epic movie (meaning that it’s really, really long) brings to life on the big screen (or the 15″ TV in front of our treadmill) the story of Howard Hughes, the reclusive (paranoid) eccentric (psychotic) billionaire (billionaire)… Continue reading You’re psychotic; I’m logically cautious