Halfway through the course, and back to square one.
Planting Gardens for Alien Children
Will your child eat a broccoli-and-squash pizza? Didn’t think so…
What’s In Your 8-Track Case?
A quick loop through some of the 8-tracks of my youth. (Heh. “Loop.” Get it?)
Dancing Machines
Ballroom dancing is harder than it looks. Especially if your corduroy doesn’t rub.
The ULTIMATE Music Challenge
OK, well…it seems that family isn’t quite as time-demanding as I expected, and so I’m able to turn my attention to [at least] one more post. This is another highly-anticipated music-related quiz, and I expect it to take at least a week for someone to solve. This quiz was actually conceived during an exchange of… Continue reading The ULTIMATE Music Challenge
One Ring to Rool, um, Rule Ya’ll
A tribute to the fabled Aggie Ring.
Haiku Smackdown: Antboy Rulez!
Wherein the Gazette wins a Major Award.
Hey, that thang got a hemi?
Wow…gasoline is over $2.00 a gallon. I know! Let’s go buy a car that gets less than 10 miles to the gallon! Sweeeeet…
Shall We Dance?
One of the advantages of growing up in a small-town Southern Baptist Church is that I had a built-in excuse to avoid a particularly distasteful rite of passage for junior high boys: ballroom dancing classes. While many of my Methodist and Presbyterian and Catholic friends were dressing up in uncomfortable shoes and putting on coats… Continue reading Shall We Dance?
mimus polyglottos and Terror from Above
You don’t want to get on the wrong side of a mockingbird, nosireebob.